

“Yoga allows you to find a new kind of freedom that you may not have known even existed.”
B. K. S. Iyengar

“Don’t look at others, don’t compare yourself with anyone. Just focus on yourself. Be present and aware of your body, your feelings, your breath.”

Those were the first words my teacher said to me when I walked into the yoga academy in Bengaluru, Karnataka, southern India. From that moment on, I fell in love with yoga.


I was given a gift from life. Two years in India that I dedicated to study Yoga and Preventive Ayurveda. In 2020, I became certified as a yoga teacher by the World Yoga Organisation.

I studied in different schools by different teachers. My main areas are Power Yoga, Yin Yoga, Pre and Postnatal Yoga, Wheel Yoga.


In my yoga classes I also apply knowledge from two other beautiful fields, Aromatherapy and Bach flower therapy, in which I have been working for more than seven years.


If we would be aiming only at bringing the asanas into perfection, yoga would become a sort of gymnastic excersice. But “Yoga is like music. The rhythm of the body, the melody of the mind, and the harmony of the soul create the symphony of life.” K. S. Iyengar


I am looking forward to meeting you in the studio 🙂

